Get a bigger Booty- For weight haters & Gym sitters

So I’ve spoken with plenty of people who are aiming to get a bigger butt. And we all know the quickest natural way to this is with exercise. So the first thought that women have is to go to the gym. But some of these women go to the gym just to sit there. They’re lazy with the equipment and their best friend becomes the treadmill. So if you’re one of these people or you simply don’t like the gym, don’t waste your time paying a membership.

Stylecraze has a lot of good exercises that you can do to get a bigger but from home! These exercises are quick and simple and can help you accomplish your results if done frequently enough in conjunction with a healthy diet.

So, let’s see how you can get curvylicious buttocks the natural way.

The Ultimate Guide To Get A Bigger Butt

1. Exercise

Working out the three muscles in your butt will build and strengthen them and make your butt bigger.

a. Glute Bridges

how to get a bigger butt fast - Glute Bridges

Image: Giphy

This is a good exercise to warm up your buttock muscles. This might seem a little challenging initially, but by the second day, you will start doing it more comfortably.

  • Lie on your back with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Place the weights on your pelvic area.
  • Lift up your pelvis off the floor and then lower it back to the mat.
  • Repeat this 10-20 times.

b. Single Leg Bridges

how to get a bigger butt fast - Single Leg Bridges

Image: Giphy

This is another warm-up exercise that will help tone your hip muscles. If you sit a lot during the day, this exercise is perfect for you.

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet touching the floor.
  • Keep one foot flat on the ground and raise the other one straight up in the air.
  • Place your weight on the heel of the foot on the ground and exhale while you lift your glutes up.
  • Flex your glutes while inhaling when you reach the top position. Then, assume the initial position.

c. Kneeling Kickback

how to get a bigger butt fast - Kneeling Kickback

Image: Shutterstock

The kneeling kickback exercise works on the gluteus maximus, the largest muscle in your butt.

  • Kneel on the floor and assume the push-up position with your knees parallel to your pelvis.
  • Let your knees and palms support your body weight.
  • Now, bring your right knee to your chest and then kick back, as high as you can.
  • Repeat this with your left leg.
  • Do the set for 10 times.

d. The Lunge

 how to get a bigger butt fast - The Lunge

Image: Giphy

This is one of the best exercises to tone your buttocks. Try to incorporate some weights when you do this exercise.

  • Stand straight with your feet about 3 centimeters apart.
  • Step forward with your right leg and bend your left leg to come to a “proposing” position.
  • Do this with the left leg.
  • Repeat the set for 10 times.

e. Side Lunge

how to get a bigger butt fast - Side Lunge

Image: Giphy

This exercise will help you tone the muscles of the buttock and the inner thighs.

  • Stand erect, place your legs apart, and let your feet point out.
  • Look straight and bend your right knee and sit.
  • Come back to the center and repeat the same for the left side.
  • Do the set for 10 times.

f. Scissor Kicks

how to get a bigger butt fast - Scissor Kicks

Image: Giphy

This is a great way to tone your buttocks as well as lower abdomen muscles.

  • Lie on your back on a mat. Extend your arms fully, with your palms facing down.
  • Lift both your legs slowly so that your heels are off the ground.
  • Now, lift your right leg to an angle of 45 degrees and lower the left leg till it is about 3-4 inches from the ground.
  • Alternate the movements between your right and left legs.
  • Repeat at least 15 times.

g. Leg Lift

how to get a bigger butt fast - Leg Lift

Image: Giphy

This is another exercise to tone your buttocks as well as lower abdomen muscles.

  • Lie down on the mat with your legs straight in the air.
  • With your hands and arms flat on the mat, raise your hips off the ground.
  • Hold for five seconds.
  • Repeat 10 to 15 times with both the legs.

H. Pliè Squat

how to get a bigger butt fast - Pliè Squat

Image: Shutterstock

  • Stand with your feet spread shoulder-width apart.
  • Make sure the toes point outwards.
  • Bring your hands to the front to maintain the body’s balance.
  • Lower your body to a squat till your buttocks are just above the feet.
  • Squeeze your glutes and thighs further while getting back to the initial position.

I. Step Aerobics

how to get a bigger butt fast - Step AerobicsPinit

Image: Shutterstock

This is a simple exercise. Just step up and step down and dance to your favorite music. You can pace up or pace down. Do this for 15-20 minutes to tone your buttock muscles.

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