SXSW Recap

SXSW this year was a blast. It was so much fun participating in all the festivities. One thing I’ve learned about SXSW is that no one has the Same experience. There is so much to do and so many different parts of SXSW that you may have done or discovered things that others didn’t. Many parts make up the SXSW conference and festival- interactive, film, music, comedy and gaming. That’s why I’m going to give a recap of my experience. Hopefully, you’ll get inspired and go next year to create your own experience.

Now I’ve done SXSW for a couple of years now. And the one thing I’ve learned is that you get better at navigating the event the more you go. The things I’ve experienced this year are way different from past experiences. I went to a lot more sessions, concerts, events, lounges etc. . Although, the conference aspect was great for networking and meeting new people. My favorite part of the festival is the music part. I’m going to briefly tell you about everything SXSW has to offer & my favorite moments from each part. And then you can decide whether or not you want to attend next year.

Let me start by saying SXSW serves a purpose for almost everyone. It’s literally a network hub for all creatives and techies in any industry. So with that being said, there’s a lot going on. You have the interactive festival of SXSW. The Interactive Festival provides a variety of compelling event networking experiences that complement the many learning opportunities at the SXSW Conference. So a combination of different events makes up the SXSW Interactive Festival. There’s everything from parties to award presentations, plus complimentary food and drinks. My sister and I actually worked for the interactive opening party and it was poppin’! And we met so many new people. We also went to so many different lounges and events that we’re also a part of the interactive section. And guess what, There were free drinks at all of them too! Not that free drinks are a priority, but it’s always plus Lol’. But the point is, there were so many cool spots during this part of the festival.


We didn’t get a chance to attend much of the film festival because we were so busy. However, we did see people like Lupita Nyongo. She was promoting her new movie “Us”. She also spoke at a session. And taking place halfway through the 9-day SXSW Film Festival is the Film Awards, which honors the superlative creativity and talent demonstrated by filmmakers and designers in the SXSW program. And lastly, of the film festival, are the screenings. All types of screenings included with different celebs at each.

We didn’t do much of anything in gaming and comedy. But there was the gaming awards, gaming competitions, and gaming pitches that made up the gaming section of the festival. And the comedy festival also had an awards ceremony and plenty of cool comedy shows to attend.

Artists Performing: @CautiousClay, @PhonyPpl, @omarapollo, @nicotine, @PinkSweat$, @itsarichi, @lianabanks, @ayanis

Our favorite part of the festival was of course music! If you’re a musicophile like I am, then this festival is literally heaven. If all you listen to is top 40’s music on the radio then this festival may not be for you. Unless you’re actually trying to learn new artists to follow up with. To me, this is what makes the festival so special. You get to connect with so many different artists. And they’re all on a different part of their journey. You get a chance to see these artists before they start charging a million dollars to watch them on a jumbotron. We were right by the stage at almost every show. And we also got a chance to meet most of the artists. SXSW music festival provides an authentic experience for you to see some of your favorite rising artists. This part of the festival also has a lot of unofficial events for non-badge holders to attend as well, meaning you can attend without being an official part of SXSW.

Artists Performing: @spitta_andretti, @yellabeezy214, @Imdestinyrogers, @Maliibumiitch, @riconasty, @tierrawhack, @Dreezy

One of the coolest parts of SXSW is that you don’t have to buy a badge to attend. Many companies, brands, and people hold events and promotions during this time that aren’t official SXSW events. Basically, they just use the name for more exposure. So you can feel like you’re a part of SXSW festival without actually being an official part. SXSW also has guest and day passes for those looking to attend certain official events. As well as some of the official venues sell tickets to outsiders. Now with all the being said, you’re probably wondering why even get a badge? Well, I’ll be the first to tell you that the badge does have a lot of perks. If you like free stuff, want to attend multiple parts of the festival, and/or looking to network for business opportunities then get a badge. With a badge, doesn’t matter if the badge is interactive, film, or music, you don’t have to wait in the long lines with the non-badge holders. And you don’t have to wonder what you can get into because you have a badge so you’ll have full access and priority into everything. It’s literally like an adult amusement park created just for you.

Artists Performing: @JIDSV




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