Workout from Home- Staying Active!

The pandemic is still going on. So everyone should still be practicing social distancing. Whether the gyms are open or not, risking your health to get a good workout just isn’t worth it. And since the outbreak, many people have begun implementing alternative workout plans for their daily lives. These routines range from a number of different activities. During times like this, it’s important that working out is enjoyable and doesn’t add any extra stress to your life. So I’m going to share some of the fun ways my friends and I have been staying active during these times while also practicing social distancing.

Youtube Dance Fitness Videos

My sister & I have been doing dance fitness videos all quarantine. Doing dance fitness videos is a fun way to burn some calories. It gets your energy up and can boost your mood! Our personal favs’ are ‘Mike Peele Fitness’ and “Keaira LaShae”. Mike is consistent. He uploads new videos every week. He’s very motivating. He always has an amazing routine and playlist to work it too. And last but not least he has an energy about him that just brightens up your day. Keaira is also amazing. She’s has a variety of different workouts. My favorites are her ‘PopSugar Fitness’ Routines and her short hip-hop fit workouts on Supherofitness TV. She knows how to give you a quick yet body burning, muscle-building workout. I always feel accomplished and happy when I complete either-or.

Feel Good with Yoga

Yoga is a great way to relax while getting in some well-needed exercise. Not only does yoga, with consistency, strengthen your muscles but the exercise is also said to have many mental and physical health benefits. I take my best friend’s, Ashley’s virtual Zoom yoga class every Tuesday at 1 pm EST. I love her classes not because she’s my friend but because they’re really good. She really focuses on the mental health aspects of Yoga. She eloquently explains what & why you’re doing something. And she uses the best descriptive analogies. Plus, you can do it from anywhere. But it doesn’t have to be her Yoga class. Any yoga class will help.

Exercise on the Beach or in the Park

My sister and I love playing beach volleyball. We both used to play volleyball back in the day. So we love a good pepper (pass, set, hit repeatedly)You can play with two people. And It’s a good way to get some exercise while also practicing social distancing. But if volleyball isn’t your sport. Any other outside sport is also a fun way to get out and exercise. Some people like to play soccer on the beach or in the park. Some people like to play basketball or handball. Group exercise in the park is also a great way to get some interaction in while still practicing social distancing.

Roller Skating/ Rollerblading

Rollerskating has been trending since the pandemic. Soo many talented people are coming out of nowhere and going viral for showing us what they can do. So with that being said, not only is a rollerskating a great way to have fun and workout but it can also give you a chance to catch some really cool content. However, please be careful. Rollerskating or Rollerblading takes practice. So proceed with caution. We don’t need any broken bones!

Go on a Walk/Run

Sometimes getting in your exercise can be as simple as going on a walk or run. I have a dog. So I use her as my motivation for my walks. I also use the need for iced coffee as an excuse as well. My favorite time to take a walk in the morning. But I’ve talked to many people who take a walk or run to end their day rather than start it. The good thing about this simple activity is that you can do it anywhere. It gives you a chance to explore your neighborhood or city and become one with nature. Taking a walk or run is also a good way to relieve stress. And we all could use a stress reliever.

Bike Ride

Bike Rides have also become a trend since the pandemic. Not only is it one of the easiest ways to practice social distancing but it’s also very fun and effective. Just about any NYC park or beach boardwalk is a great place to go biking. Many people also enjoy biking across NYC bridges such as the Brooklyn Bridge. It’s an amazing way to sightsee and explore new areas. And if you don’t have your own bike, you can always rent a Citibike. I’ve also seen a number of cycling protests, which is a great way to get out & exercise while supporting a significant cause. Just make sure you have your helmet!


And last but definitely not least. This one may not be for everyone. But whether you’re good at it or not, twerking is always fun. So if you need a little bit of happiness and exercise. Maybe twerking it out will give you some motivation. You’ve seen the way Megan Thee Stallion gets down. Twerking is hard work. And if you don’t know where to start, Keaira LaShae also has some great twerkouts on her Youtube channel. However you chose to do it, is fine just make sure you get and move that thang’. Remember, no one’s watching so don’t be afraid to let loose.

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