Manifest your Dreams! Get Your Empowerment Board Today!

We’re so excited to announce that we have officially launched our first branded product, Always Prai Empowerment Boards! It’s been a crazy journey but well worth it. I created this product because I got so tired of needing more than just a planner. I also got tired of buying a new planner every year just for me not to use a third of it because I got caught up in life.

My planner looks a mess because I’m constantly scratching and rewriting plans or I’ll look back to see that my plans didn’t go as planned. And this is not necessarily a bad thing. But it took me some time to realize that. I’d definitely consider myself a type-A individual. I’m a hard-core Scorpio & go-getter. My Myers Briggs personality type is ENTJ. And if there’s anything I innately value, it’s self-growth.

Orang Eccentric

So with that being said, I’m really hard on myself. Not being able to ‘accomplish’ exactly what I planned used to make me feel like I wasn’t making any progress in life. Even though we all know that’s not true. In the midst of focusing on the ‘planning of things’, we lose living in the present. We start to lack gratitude, introspection, and retrospection.

Whether you’re a planning control freak or a lazy couch potato, you don’t want to feel the pressure of having to plan your life. David Bowie and Queen said it best “Pressure pushing down on me
Pressing down on you, no man ask for”. It’s impossible to align yourself with your life’s true purpose without change, challenges, growth, and most importantly empowerment.

I used to have millions of lists just to empower myself to accomplish my goals. But now I’ve invented a powerful product to solve all of that. I use my board every day and even I was shocked at how fun, beneficial, and uplifting it is.

Get your Empowerment Board Today!

Why Buy a New Planner Every Year?

Plans change but the vision remains the same. Manifest your dreams with your forever planner. Available now as peel & stick sticker or hardboard. Order yours today! You won’t regret it!

Follow us on Social to see how our founder, Prais’Jah turned this concept into a reality!

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