How to know you’re going through a spiritual awakening

I think it’s true that in our lifetime it is possible to experience one to several spiritual awakenings. If you’re feeling a sense of inner turmoil and confusion lately, you may be going through a spiritual awakening. This is a period of intense self-discovery and personal growth; often characterized by a shift in consciousness and a deepening connection to the spiritual world. And while everyone’s journey is unique, there are some telltale signs. So If you’re not sure if you’re going through a spiritual awakening, here are some signs to look out for:

The Signs

  1. Feeling a sense of detachment from the material world. You may find that you’re no longer as attached to material possessions or superficial pursuits, and instead, you’re more interested in exploring deeper questions about the meaning of life.
  2. Experiencing synchronicities and meaningful coincidences. You may start to notice that certain events or experiences seem to be connected in a meaningful way, as if the universe is trying to communicate with you.
  3. Feeling a sense of connection to the natural world. You may find yourself spending more time in nature, feeling a deep sense of awe and reverence for the natural world, and feeling more connected to the cycles of life and death.
  4. Experiencing intense emotions and feelings. You may find that you’re experiencing a range of intense emotions, from sadness and grief to joy and ecstasy. These emotions may be overwhelming at times, but they’re a sign that you’re opening up to new experiences and perspectives.
  5. Questioning your beliefs and values. You may find that you’re questioning the beliefs and values that you’ve held for most of your life, and you’re exploring new ideas and perspectives that challenge your old ways of thinking.
  6. Feeling a sense of purpose or calling. You may feel a deep sense of purpose or calling as if you’re being called to a higher purpose or mission in life.

You’re Not Alone…

If you’re experiencing these signs, it’s important to remember that a spiritual awakening is a personal journey. There is no right or wrong way to go through it. It’s important to be patient and compassionate with yourself. And to trust that you’re on the right path, even if it feels uncertain at times. And remember, you’re not alone. Many people go through a spiritual awakening at some point in their lives. There are resources and communities available to support you on your journey.

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